When a man falls asleep while fornicating with an overweight woman resulting in hours of sleep with a submerged penis resulting in a pig pickle.
Ah man. I fell asleep in fat ass Tina last night. My dick is still a pig pickle.
Worse than a cheater, a cheater pig is the worst thing you can be.
Martin is playing a game and is easily winning.
A toxic opponent who obviously loose: You're a cheater pig!
Martin is offended BUT a bit glad.
a term used to refer to a person who simps for brands. usuallly found bragging about their new air pods, how many times they've gone to disney world, and how good their new custom-made vans look.
"Don't hang out with Adam, he's such a brand pig. I saw him buying all seventeen color variants of the new Nike hoodie because he couldn't choose."
Fat Lesbian... Pertaining to/ of two or more lesbian woman, who are “over-weight”. The “scissor” portion of scissor pig refers to the sexual act of scissoring, often performed by lesbian woman. Pig is self explanatory.
My gym teacher was a damn scissor pig.
When you push your fingers against another person’s toes “piggies” in a playful and flirty manner. It’s like a foot massage, but better.
Hey cute boo, do you want a pig push? *wink* *smirk* *blush*
The single greatest group chat to ever exist. It has been around for ages and consists of only the craziest goons.
Kevin g spat in the face of the lil pig group chat.