A guy who is in love with trains and Minecraft, he is bitchless with no game. has a small dick but is a monster in bed.
That guy is in love with trains in Minecraft I bet that guys name is Dylan Gill.
The practice of trying to only be awake for four hours a day as well as monthly fat girl visits. Please perform at your own risk
I think me and my buddies are going to try the Dylan challenge!
a man with glasses but never wears them, creator of the gerlurkin method, and avid lean sipper.
yo! did yall see my new 'Glasses Dylan' style merch?!? LEAN madness!!
Horrifically bad jokes made up by 'Dylan Jack' that people find funny for no reason at all.
That was such bad 'Dylan Banter' for fucks sake Dylan.
Kinda like slender man, tall, white and with little to no distinguishing features.
Girl: He’s so cool, what’s his name?
Boy: he’s tall, white, and has no distinguishing features. He’s Dylan. He’s kinda a guy man too.
Girl: Dylan James Lane Lee??!? WOW
In the realm of tactical gaming, such as Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, there occasionally arises a perplexing scenario wherein a seasoned player executes maneuvers reminiscent of those typically attributed to novices or beginners. This unexpected occurrence tends to evoke incredulity and skepticism among onlookers, who are left questioning the player's competence and strategic acumen. Far from eliciting admiration, these anomalous plays are often met with disdain and ridicule, underscoring a departure from the expected norms of skillful gameplay.
Person #1 "Hey Dylan hes ON BIG WINDOW" Dylan "Okay, I got it" **Dylan Precedes to walk into Big Window & gets shot**
Dylan "HOW DID I DIE??" Person #1 "You did A Dylan Play"