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D to B

Down to bone. To want to have sex. Also a way to say you're interested in a girl.

Are you gonna hook up with that girl tonight?
Yeah, if she's d to b.

Do you like that girl?
Yeah, I'm d to b.

by The B Squad July 11, 2007

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b in the d

Short for back in the day.

Referring to something in the past.

I listened to Nirvana b in the d.

by Anti-Climacus October 5, 2006

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you have a big 8====D

by really idk August 16, 2020

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Cut the D

Orignially a football term - when a wide reciever goes out and needs to break away from a man defence, he needs to "cut the d."
Often used as a synonym for stop goofing around.

Cut the D man, you're 18. You shouldn't be spitting spit balls in class.

by AGordon October 16, 2005

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Ave D

It is a street in Fort Pierce FL. Its in the Ghetto, its off the chain chain.

Hey homie lets go and chill on Ave D all night.

by jesus November 16, 2003

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Someone who doesn't want that guy before, "Lex", hanging out in their town. Hey dude, ever notice how those kids looked at you? You don't belong.

The D-Bagers noticed the trashballs hanging out at their Dunkin Donuts and thought, "Please go back to Stamford, riffraff."

by bernie the lama February 25, 2005

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A form of punk derived from UK82.

Short for Discharge beat or down beat (depeneding on who you ask), whatever the technical definition, d-beat still refers to the same thing, which is shredding guitar, sparsed vocals (often about the destruction of mankind/the earth) and the d-beat.

D-beat bands include Discharge, Disclose, Anti-Cimex, and Wolfbrigade. D-beat is also closely associated with Swedish, Finnish, and Japanese Hardcore bands such as Gauze, The Black Uniforms, and Tampere SS.

D-beat fashion is all black, with band shirts that printed with white lettering. Black charged haircuts, black stretch jeans, multiple studded belts topped off with a bullet belt is pretty standard on a d-beat kid. Also, headbands of various types are often worn(usually to help keep up the charged haircut).

D-beat is basically crust punk without the hippie part.

by Andrew Apocalypse July 13, 2005

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