Source Code

big pickaxe dude

a phrase used by vexbolts, that referenced erotic barber's "hump day" post on twitter, with "three big dick ass niggas " replaced by "3 big pickaxe dudes"

Vexbolts: yo yo yo it's fortnite day, what i need you to do is tag three big pickaxe dudes

by wazzsupmahg March 22, 2023

Real Dude Hours

real nigga hours for white dudes who are too pussy to say nigga.

Jamal: Hey, Peter, what time is it?!

Peter: Uhhh...
Jamal: Reallll...
Peter: Real Dude hours??
Jamal: White ass bitch-boy. Good for you.

by imgoingtokillmyself June 24, 2016

lose the 'tude dude

Slang. It's how a guy says lose the attitude.

Son! Yeah dad? Did you take the books back to the library?

No! You're not my boss! Lose the 'tude dude
Wym? It's how a guy says lose the attitude

by B-rizzle April 30, 2021

Pink Dude Prank

This is a video parodying a character known as Pink Guy, was made in 2016 by Aydin Roberts and posted on YouTube. After a few months it gained an astonishing 404 views and had produced a sequel that garnered similar amounts of attention. Sadly in September of 2017 it was privated and the world no longer has the privilege to witness this masterpiece...or so it seemed. Only 2 weeks after the video was privated a small channel with a total of 2 subscribers with the name biggestpinkdudeprankfanever re-uploaded the first Pinm Dude Prank so that it wouldn't be lost to the ages.

What it be, what it do? Let's watch Pink Dude Prank Part 2.

by SirDaveDavis October 18, 2017

creamy meme dude

A phrase associated with the YouTube comedian Greg "savage" Onision, for god knows why. It was used frequently to spam his Facebook, Instagram, blogs, and YouTube channel.

Onision: *posts a selfie*
Everyone in the comments: creamy meme dude

by SlaughterMelon April 29, 2016

Dude Are You 5!?

Yea, 5 Inches IN YOUR MOM

Dude Are You 5!?
Yea, 5 Inches IN YOUR MOM

by SebiRex February 26, 2021

dat dude

(n.) Samir Haider... any other "dat dudes" on this website are fakes and phonys. P.S. If anyone tries to steal my alias I will not only prosecute but dick you in the ass with my bellend

Marv: ay yo did you see Samir pimp that sexy ass hoe last night?
Johnny Wilkerson: yeah man DAT DUDE is a pimp ass pimp

by Dat Dude April 19, 2005

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