Source Code

Dump O' Clock

A time (preferably during work hours) when one uses the bathroom to drop their load (or just look up memes on the internet).

Kami: "Chris has gone missing!"
Tim: "It must be Dump O' Clock."

by 50K All Day March 20, 2018

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Roman spider dump

(roh-muhn spahy-der duhmp)
1. (noun) An act of questionably sexual behavior involving a pair of male participants (one seated in traditional posture on a toilet with second said participant sitting on the lap of the other participant facing in the opposite direction) and the subsequent act of simultaneous defecation (aka "dumping"). The derivation of the term "spider" refers to the 8 arms/legs and multiple eyes of the collective parties involved. The term "Roman" means absolutely nothing.

2. (verb) The act of performing a Roman spider dump

Hey!! We both have to dump before catching that train..but there is only one toilet!! Maybe we should have a Roman spider dump to save time.

by bonedogg January 23, 2007

62๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

top deck dump

Pooping in the cistern (toliet tank).

The bathroom stinks to high heaven because some total fartknocker (a true buttweed) took a top deck dump!!!

by Telephony January 5, 2011

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Dump Your Rubbish

To 'Dump One's Rubbish' means emptying the contents of your ballbag into a woman's vagina.

1. Dude I am gonna Dump My Rubbish into Jane tonight.

2. Did you manage to Dump Your Rubbish into that hottie from the party last night?

3. I Dumped My Rubbish up the wall in the shower this morning.

by DaBomB73 March 23, 2010

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iPhone Dump Factor

Adding an extra 10-12 minutes to the standard bathroom "sit-down" time of an iPhone user.

-Man, can we leave now? Steve's been in the shitter for 25 minutes.

-What do you expect? Add the iPhone Dump Factor. He'll be farming for another 15.

by Doctor Ew October 21, 2010

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Staten Island Dump

Angelina from Jersey Shore, the girl who shows again and again, what a two-faced person she is.

Man dude, that girl was DIRTY. She looked clean, but no matter how bad someone treats her, she'll still bend over later on. That's a Staten Island Dump for ya.

by ONP2 September 11, 2010

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Dump 'n Ditch

The act of taking a crap and then leaving the bathroom, failing to flush the toilet.

girl: I hate public restrooms, because some people enjoy leaving little presents for the next person who has to use that stall.

guy:You've obviously never been in a situation then, where you have to just "Dump 'n Ditch."

by bibblesworth August 30, 2009

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