1. An alledgedly straight person resorting to homosexuality due to an ineptitude with women.
2. An alledgedly straight person resorting to homosexuality while incarcerated.
He's not really into dudes he's just prison gay.
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When a guy pretends to be gay to get close to a girl/multiple girls. To be in proximity of girls when they change or are naked.
That kid Matt is pretending to be gay so girls feel safe around him, he’s totally a Trojan gay!
A gay minute is equivalent to five straight minutes. Used by queer alliances to describe the time we wait for enough people to show up to meetings
We'll wait a gay minute before starting the meeting.
A Priest that is gay, what the fuck did you actually expect.
Dylan : look at that priest.
Patrick : That's a gay priest.
A person who is friends with gays before they come out
Claire has 8 friends that have come out since she knew them as straight, she is the gay whisperer.
Sweater gays are gay men and women who are largely non-threatening to heterosexual people because their lifestyles largely emulate the heterosexual ideal. They often live in the suburbs and usually have children.
The most clear example of sweater gays is illustrated by the gay couple on "Modern Family."
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When people start talking about straight stuff and you’re totally gay but no one knows it even though you’d think it’d be pretty obvious by now so you’re just sitting there like yeah cool guys—it’s like an inside joke with yourself.
Practically invented by Jodie Foster
“What kind of fella would you like?”
*gay silence*
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