A sweaty kevin is someone who is so sweaty at what they do people have to stop and reconginze how insanely sweaty they are.
Oh shit did you see that Sweaty Kevin. he was a sick fortnite builder!!
Kevin Mario is a hot babe and has a twin called melvin and everyone loves him and his boys adam and anesu
Kevin is meant to have a big dick but unfortunaty he was born with a 1 incher
Is that THE Kevin Mario
Ofc and im with ma boy mahmoud bata
i love bata
wanna kiss
ok bata
*makes out with bate*
When you get your junk grabbed or hit on by some drunk dude.
Arthur bought me a few rounds of drinks then he kevin spacied me.
The hottest and nicest guy in the world, he gets hella bitches and is super heterosexual. This man is the coolest person you’ll ever meet
Shitting ones pants when undertaking outdoor activities alone. Usefully resulting in the wearing of another persons pants due your own being soiled.
My cousin went hiking and got lost and disoriented. He must had gone the “ filthy Kevin” ,cause when I saw him come back down the hill he was wearing somebody’s pants and not his own.
A guy that is rumored to be "bad news" but is actually one of the best people you will ever meet. He is an amazing friend to have and will be there for you no matter what. He puts everyone before himself. He'll cheer you up even when he's the one who needs support. He the sweetest guy you will (n)ever have the honor of knowing. If you are lucky enough to date him, he will treat you as if you are the most important and beautiful being on the planet. He knows he's not perfect and doesn't force you to be. Overall he is the best guy to ever walk the face of earth and I love him with every ounce of my being.
ME: Kevin Lester is my boyfriend.
FRIEND: He's cute
ME: I'll kill you if you even blink in his direction