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Don't text bacc

Leave on "seen" or "read" .

"Don't text bacc"


by Yvngslvmped May 12, 2017

hey you texting

Hey you texting is when someone mostly women or texting their side piece

Sue:Hey you wyd
John: just chillin

Sue: I miss u & I need u baby!!🍆💋
John: soon baby soon

This an example of Hey you texting

by 1jayjay1 April 19, 2018

Two Text Tim

A boy who will engage in text conversations by replying with the bare minimum - typically two words or a vague double text answer. He makes continuing a conversation boring and borderline impossible.

He keeps texting to not lose the connection in case there’s a chance to hook up, but he actually doesn’t want to get to know you.

He most likely has other girls on his roster, hence why he gives no fucks on doing more than his two texts.

Two Text Tim: hey
Girl: hi how are you?!
TTT: good u?
Girl: Yes! I had a great day today. Hung out with friends and figuring out what to do tonight!
TTT: cool
* two hours later*
TTT: hey


TTT: hey

Girl: hey what’s up?!
TTT: I had a bad day
Girl: oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that! why?

TTT: (no response)
*two days later*

TTT: hey

Girl 1: “girl, I’m so confused. we had such a good time when we hung out! but his text messages are so vague idk how to talk to him. Like how do I respond to this?”

(Girl 2 reviews the convo)

Girl 2: “ohhhh, dude fuck that. He’s a Two Text Tim!”

by Uhhuhhoneyy October 9, 2020

[Insert text here]

the most annoying chump youll ever meet

hey Insert text here is kinda annoying dont ya think?

by coolkidxdlolimsuchacoolperson August 10, 2021

Time Out Text

When you are texting somebody and you don't know what to say so you take a quick 5 minute break to walk around and think.

Emma: wanna get married???

*5 minutes later after taking a time out text*

Chris: sure how about tomarrow?

by KoRnMAGGOT February 1, 2010

text-to-bang index

Abbreviated : TTB-Index. Refers to the number of texts it takes to achieve the much longed for intercourse with a woman. Take the number of texts, divide by the number of times you had intercourse and that yields the TTB-Index. A score between 1 and 10 usually points to an open-minded woman (read: slut) while any score about 100 can be safely considered a prude. Inbetween is just average.

- Tom, have you seen the new girl in Eco 101?
- Yah, she got some nice cans, wonder if she gives head..
- Well I think so, heard her text-to-bang index is way below 30!

by GDaSL December 1, 2011

Black Cord Texting

The act of text messaging someone while under the influence of alcohol, typically in pursuit of sex, and not remembering said message the next day.

A reference to 'Black Cord Fever', a term used before the advent of the cordless phone.

"I guess I sent a text message to Tony last night telling him to come to my place and do me. I was so lit when he arrived later I had no idea why he came over."

by evanrude June 22, 2005