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Adjective to describe:

1) a guy who can't seem to understand when a girl isn't interested in him

2) a guy who falls for a girl, and continues to like her, even after she treats him like crap (see green chick)

3) a guy who is completely oblivious about the girl who likes him, because he is preoccupied with being hung up on another girl who is uninterested in him

4) a guy who believes he has found the "perfect woman" but is in fact blinded by physical traits alone that he believes is beautiful, and does not base any of his attraction to the girl on substance or personality

"I don't understand why he's still hung up on her. All she's done is treat him like crap and walk all over him. I guess he's just Grock-retarded."

Girl 1: "I don't know what else I can do. I've flirted with him, I've danced with him, I even gave him my number - and nothing."
Girl 2: "He must still be hung up on that Green Chick. Gosh - sometimes he's so Grock-retarded!"

by love4lyrics August 8, 2007

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Muscularly Retarded

When a person who lifts weights goes way overboard. Can be used to describe just one part of the body.

Dude 1: That dude is in good shape but his calves are muscularly retarded. They look so huge compared to the rest of his build.

Dude 2: You are so gay.

by jkherbz August 11, 2010

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retarded echo

1. when you ask a person to do something in the form of a request and the person pretends like they don't understand. Then they repeat the action which you wish them to perform back a to you thus becoming your retarded echo.

2. a human parrot who repeats what someone says as if they cannot think of something interesting to say themselves.

1. Sally: "Hey Bob, could you take out the trash?"

Bob: "Take out the trash?"

Sally: "There goes that retarded echo again..."

2. Bully 1: "Shut up dumbfuck!"

Bully 2: "Yeah, Shut up dumbfuck!"

by tiabliaj March 1, 2011

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History of the Retard

A collection of the various accounts of retards and stupid people from across the history of the universe.

I was looking at History of the Retard yesterday. Some of the things I found intellectually fascinating was one guy named Dan Recinto and, how he would pee on the toilet seat instead of into it.

by Chidori611 May 4, 2016

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Sexual Retard

See: definition of 'fruitnigger'.

They got "married" to each other because they have no experience with the opposite sex and/or refuse any sexually mature development or relationships, so they decided to become sexual retards.

by molestedBYAfruitnigger August 15, 2020

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tounge retardation

The act of becoming dumber by making out with a retarted person at a nighttime bar or club. Known to occur over a delayed period of time.

She suffered from tounge retardation and is now known to be dumber by all of her peers

by drunkie405 March 3, 2010

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Retarded penguin

Simply, a retarded penguin. Its that simple. Also a great goofy insult for those who annoy you. Wanna know the secret to becoming a retarded penguin? Well...too bad ya prick!

Dude, i really wanted to know how to become a retarded penguin. Who ever wrote this is a total prick.


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