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Klinefelter Syndrome

A chromosomal abnormality. Typically, affected cells have one y and two x chromosomes (contrast the y and x of cells in a normal male). People with this non-disorder often exhibit vaguely sinister androgyny and an independent and empirical worldview unrestrained by popular gender expectations.

That tall angry guy with the hourglass figure has Klinefelter Syndrome. He's sterile. He diverts his creative instincts toward art, vigilantee suicide missions, and hormonal spazzing. Don't fuck with him, he's wild.

by nothingsnecessary November 9, 2012

126๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ede Syndrome

A condition in which the afflicted willingly ejaculates unprotected into the vagina of a mother of whom the afflictedโ€™s close associates greatly disapprove of, for the purpose of conceiving a child in order to force the associates from continuing to voice their disapproval of the afflictedโ€™s and motherโ€™s relationship.

Ericโ€™s girlfriend was lame, but after his Ede Syndrome went full course, there was nothing we could say.

by Luther2 August 29, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neckbeard Syndrome

The ability to be charming and smooth with a large vocabulary while typing, yet stumble over one's own words while speaking in real life.

Neckbeard Syndrome Sufferer: Yes, she's an excellent actress. I enjoyed her in (movie), her role was well-played.

(Real Life)

Neckbeard Syndrome Sufferer: Yeah, she's, uh.. I liked that movie where she played as the chick with the hat.

by Konig_Theory August 3, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alice Syndrome

A Syndrome where all the males of a group believe that a female (in said group), is far more desirable than she really is. The defining characteristic of this syndrome is that all the rest of the females (either being crazy or unattractive), make this particular female appear desirable. Alice Syndome specifically occurs in small groups where there is no outside competition from females. Alice syndrome is quite common and effects all clicks equally.

Friend 1: Don't you think Vanessa is hot?!
Friend 2: Hell yeah! She is so freaking hot! What do you think?
Friend 3: I think Vanessa is hotter than Katie, but Vanessa isn't that hot. You guys must have Alice Syndrome or something...

by The Turkish Pastery Chef September 11, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bella syndrome

The unnatural clumsyness of ones self in the presence of others

Dude that chicks got total bella syndrome she cant stand muchless walk

by DemonTate November 18, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

tucson syndrome

The acts that pertain to a wide variety of douchiness that include (but are not limited to)-"reppin" the west coast and convincing yourself you are THE west coast (although you live in the middle of the southwest), attacking civics with shovels (because bats are so overrated), the constant band-wagoning of one of the following-LA Lakers, NY Yankees, or any other "hip team," treating girls more worse than how Ron Artest treats Detroit Piston fans, liking Wiz Khalifa because you heard it on the pop radio station and desperately want to start a conversation with someone since everybody you come into contact with automatically thinks you're a tool, indirectly advocating the need to get your ass beaten, hanging out with T-Town youngins..mainly in the Oro Valley area since nobody over the age of 15 can automatically sense your tooltastic ideals, posing on top of cop cars (since you may be too pu$$y to do it while the cop is watching and your Myspace needs a new profile pic), the changing of ones religious views/heritage on a weekly basis, or the self convincing attitude that "a jail can't handle me" when in reality, your immaturity would be bent over your bunk and given a ride by various members of the Mexican Mafia, Cartels, and MS13.

That brosef has got Tucson Syndrome (TS) pretty bad. That's his third Natty and he's already yielding that shovel. Quick! Someone play some Black & Yellow to calm him down so we won't miss any of the LA game.

by thatguychico May 7, 2011

33๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


an illness which results in the victim developing an obsession of trumpets, a classic sign of someone with nellis-syndrome is if they try and sell goods for discount prices. e.g coke

"hey, wanna buy coke for 40p?"
"no, its clear you have nellis-syndrome"

by G.......... July 18, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž