Wear colourful, if stupid clothing.
Nike 6.0's or Nike SB's.
Supras and just general skate shoes.
Skinny jeans or adidas trackies.
New era caps, bent bacward until pointing at a ridiculous angle.
Get drunk at least once a week and smoke anything.
Use words like 'blud' 'niga' and pretend to be gangstas
Think they are the most stylish, clever and funny people around.
Listen to hardcore metal and screamo
Bands such as ' Bring me the horizon' and 'Carnifex'
Think they are just generally amazing and tough.
Scene kid 1: Yo blud, you heard the new BMTH album
Scene kid 2:Yeah blud it ownes, unlike indie fag music LOL, how funny am I
Scene kid 1: You are hillarious blud, your so random
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a flaming fag
thinks there cool bc they dont have any hair on their head so they cut there wrist
scene kids are fucking deisel dikes
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Kids who were formally a confused EMO kid seeemo kid but saw the light of the "scene." Usually characterized by short choppy hair, dyed many colors, and resembling a mullet. (Often sweeping bangs included)
They will wear bright colored clothing, and shop often at thrift stores see vintage or at really expensive boutiques. They love flats, animal prints, and band tees.
"Scene" derives from the term "Music Scene" and describes the kind of kids that go out to shows. These kids love music and dancing, and will listen to hardcore gangsta rap sometimes.
They often use brackets in their names Myspace and add words to their names, eg Douggy Drug, Julia Gore, and Brootal Brittany, and will sometimes go by these names in Real Life.
Scene kids are so not emo, but, they are like, similar. OMG BRACKETS MYSPACE!
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A Scene Queen is a female who is on top of her game. No matter what it is. She is guaranteed to be at all the hot spots in the city, she kills the scene when she comes through & everyone knows her name. She also has much love for her city, & represents it well. She always aims high and follows her dreams. Also she follows no one, she makes her own decisions, has her own unique style and sets her own trends!
A great example is Courtney W. the Scene Queen of Oklahoma City, OK! Go check her out! www.myspace.com/courtney.wallace92
or go follow her! www.twitter.com/courtney_iparty
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Same emo, different music. Often persecuted.
For a better idea of a scene kid, see emo for reference.
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If I were asked to define a "scene kid", normally my answer would be, "A whore (Not necessarily in the prostitute form, although at least 75% of them will have sex with anything that moves.) who enjoys not only making a fool of them-selfself, but making them-self completely devoid of any intelligence, individuality, and having general ignorance of both the musical and written arts (including paintings, drawings, etc.), as well as a complete ignorance to society in general. More than likely this person will drop out of school, or never attend college, and end up with a dead end job at a mall, or whatever public establishment is cool at the time. This person will say "Working at the mall isn't that bad," or something to that effect, however, we all know that this is not true, because while you are wasting your time making minimum wage, the rest of us sensible people will be contributing to society (although it is all quite pointless, seriously, you'll be forgotten in one hundred years regardless of your accomplishments.) and supporting ourselves and our families with our high income. This particular subculture (if it can be called that, I feel 'label' could be more fitting) also enjoys listening to horrible music. (see: Screamo) After all, it is the cool thing to listen to, right?
Personally, I don't give a shit, just stop flailing your arms around and acting like douche bags. Grow the fuck up.
Scene kids are giant faggots. End of story.
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used to give an alternate, not likely ending to a situation
yo man i just stole 5 grand from john...cut scene you're in a police station
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