A sticky book is just another phrase for masterbation material.
Person 1: dude look at that cool ass map
Person 2: that's going in my sticky book
homework given by your teacher that you don't even want to do it
Teacher: Alright students make a scrap book regarding unit 15. It's due 1 month
Student 1: i hate this
When some one like to sniff books, often has a large collections of books when there is no reason because we have E-books now. SAVE THE TREES!
Katie and Georgia are book sniffers
If you have two books in a subject in school, the teacher will often refer to it as a not the a-book, but the b-book.
A short term for Basketball book.
Now you can open page 14 in the b-book
A book look is when they look at you with a look that looks like it came straight from a book
Person 1: I think he really likes you
Person2: possibly
Person1: dude he gave you the book look
Person 2: REALLY!
a name used for a player that has the guild name "Chapter" in the game Deepwoken.
Look its another Book Monkey flooding.
After a long hard school year of wanting to beat the shit out of your fellow classmates and fuck the female students and teachers you get to relax at night after the last day of school at a nice bonfire where you burn all your school books along with the hatred memories with a couple of friends obviously no black lives matter activists aloud and have fun
Hey can De'Andre come to burning of the books? "Does he support black lives matter?" Yes.... "Then no" but he plays Pokemon go "fuck it he can come"