A sexual act similar to performing a raspberry on a belly button; but you do it on the brown eye or anus of your partner, then breath in with closed lips immitating the sound of a turbo similar to how a 18 wheeler or diesel vehicle performs.
I J-braked Amy last night and the turbo sucked so much air into her canyon she yelped
The best man I’ve ever called mine, the only man I ever want to call mine for the rest of forever
Jonathan Elizalde has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen, he’s also the most thoughtful person you’ll ever meet
I’ve never had someone I trust so completely, I’ve never had someone know me so deeply
I love you forever and always x
“Who is that?”
“Obviously that’s Eli”
J. Elizalde
A canadian speedcuber, Dylan wang, also known as J perm from his youtube channel
Kevin:Hey did you see J perm's new video?
Alex:Yeah it was amazing.
The craziest motherfucker
Bro that's crazy j that crazy motherfucker
A man in his early 40s who acts like he’s in his teens and also likes to be active with teens. He still lives off his mother While lying about everything. A dirty J will say they were in special ops navy division, a medical doctor, in tent city , a Chippendale’s stripper, and post things on Facebook saying that he is sleeping on a park bench all the while it is just a picture he took off of the TV of a park bench. A dirty J will be your best friend, funny, try to marry you within three days, and call his mama for money or pizza when she lives literally many states away. Dirty Jay doesn’t shower for three weeks at a time, wears the same clothes for those three weeks, and who knows how he cleans his foreskin.
Girl: Oh my god did you meet that dirty J? He Smells horrific and has been wearing that shirt for three weeks but man he’s done so many things in his life I’m so impressed and he’s only in his early 40s.
other girl: Ya I smelled him come in from a block away the other day when he came over and then he left when he found out I finally turned 21.
Girl: Well I am so lucky that I’m still 19 thank God.
Something you call a girl who’s name is juliette and who’s knees are nasty af
Bob: “oh shit look at her knees“
Karen: “Ew, what a j nasty”
Most likely the sexiest man you will ever meet in your miserable life. he makes a girls womanhood tremble at just the sight of him. Some may call him the ICEBERG or J FRICKEN BOOGY. no one could ever amount to the level of attractiveness he is at and if you try it will just end in disappointment. HE never has any need for Viagra. <33
J BOOGY...... please fuck me.