Similar to a Bellwether, a John Ringer refers to a leading indicator of some sort of change, similar to "canary in a coal mine". Unknown origin, has been used as a common phrase in corporate conference call settings at least going back to the late 90's.
As you can see here on this chart, the strong sales numbers act as a great John Ringer indicating healthy growth.
Whenever someone falls asleep at a sleepover and another person at the sleepover puts their dick in the asleep persons mouth
Did you hear about Jace getting johned it was so funny, mason is crazy for doing that.
An old man, who was probably fired from NASA, kayaks every morning in Santa Cruz with his favorite beans.
2. John Banks please spank me.
A great war hero turned soldier of fortune, John Peterson was a strapping young soldier who took part in the Vietnam war. However, after becoming disillusioned with the war, he moved on to become a soldier of fortune, fighting as a mercenary for those who paid the highest sum. This took him on to numerous adventures all around the globe, so much so that he has become viewed as a 'Indiana Jones' type figure amongst those who know and know of him.
Standing at a towering 6'9 and weighing 293 pounds of pure solid muscle and 0% body fat, John Peterson is a sight to see. With his master-level elite skill in Mixed Martial Arts and statuesque Adonis like physique, he strikes immediate fear into the hearts of all his enemies, lust in the hearts of all women and envy in the hearts of all men. All the women wants him and all the men wants to be him. Oh yes, he is THAT, damn good.
women: "oh my, John Peterson is such a hunk!"
guys: "I so want to be like John Peterson! he is my idol!"
Nazi Party member who lived and worked in China and saved approximately 200,000 people from getting murdered in the Nanking Massacre
John Rabe is proof that not all the Nazis were bad.
The most incredible composer ever who did the music for HTTYD, HTTYD 2, and HTTYD The Hidden World
the guy who decided to search up his own full name
Reading this out loud “John Parker, the guy who decided to search up his own full name“