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That deserved a slap.

When you say something really stupid, or you are excepted to know something but you don't, a friend may exclaim that you deserve a slap for you ignorance. The phrase is usually followed by a harsh, quick, blow to the cheek. Sissy crying may follow along with a "WTF? Why'd you do that, man?"

Manda: Have you heard that new System of a Down song?
Chris: Naw, man. I don't listen to rock.
Manda: Man, that deserved a slap.
Chris: No, Manda! Please!
(Manda slaps Chris viciously)
Chris: (Cries). Damn, bloody...WTF, man?

by sflagurl25 May 22, 2005

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kick slap

When you pimp slap someone with your foot

the new Zohan movie ... when adam sandler kick slaps the suit

by brittney760 January 18, 2008

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bull slap

To slap a bull on the ass.(As Defined in the movie Wild Hog's)

Hey taylor, lets go play a game of bull slap.

by Dan_collins October 19, 2007

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chode slap

to put your hand in your pants, rub your nuts, and then take your hand back out and slap someone in the face

Charlie chode slapped me in the face because I called his girlfriend a trick ass ho.

by Craven Cox February 26, 2005

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Stuntman Slap

Where you ejaculate on your hand and slap a womens face right after it.

I must have felt like living dangerously cause I put a Stuntman Slap all up on her face.

by DR J0NES1 August 3, 2011

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The act of copying a large block of text, often something with dense academic language, such as college papers, and pasting it into a chat function, often without provocation.

Joe: Hey man, what's up?

Steve: We sought to extend instrument validation research for the Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD) (Walker & Severson, 1990) using convergent validation techniques. Associations between Critical Events, Adaptive Behavior, and Maladaptive Behavior indices of the SSBD were examined in relation to syndrome, broadband, and total scores of the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist-Teacher's Report Form (TRF) (Achenbach, 2001). Both measures were conducted with 65 students with emotional disturbance in grades 6 through 12. Overall convergent validity of the SSBD and TRF was strong, particularly for TRF externalizing problems and associated syndromes. Results provide further support for use of the SSBD in the assessment of behavioral functioning of students with emotional disturbance and extend validation for use of this instrument with secondary students.

Joe: AAH! The hell!?

Steve: Gotcha. Text-slapped.

((Text taken from, www.eric.ed.gov ))

by Stone the Mighty May 5, 2010

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dandy slap

to use one's penis to slap another man's penis

'Tom was drank piss last night, so I dandy slapped him and then shat on his shoes'

by Tom's Sister August 21, 2007

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