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movie name top gun maverick

A tiktok legend who makes sure everyone is aware of the movie name (top gun: maverick)

"I wonder what movie that is..."

movie name top gun maverick: "movie name: top gun maverick"

by Got2BCoolest August 17, 2022

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Lego name without the vent hole

A famous, yet nonsensal quote from Nezorf movie. Ice queen Asle says this quote as first before she starts destroying her ice castle made from frozen fractals all around.

Asle: Lego name without the vent hole. Aaaaaaah! There's no sleep. Tired! Viola's best friends: Skau Lea, Hannah! Them words, ninja! I'm confident, workin' it. Hannah's dark elf forgets the armour now. Confident, confident!

by XXXXYYYY January 21, 2021

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Covid 19 Name Poll

A poll taken to give the Coronavirus Pandemic a name for the history books.

The Covid 19 Name Poll: 1} The Great Corona Virus Pandemic of 2020 2} The Covid 19 Fiasco 3} Trump's "Democratic Hoax" Virus or 4} The Infamous Corona Beer Killer Please choose one of the above names as the official name of the corona virus for the history books of future students. Please mail your pick to Melania Trump @ 935 Pennsylvania AV Washington DC 20535 Mrs. Trump will count the votes and pick the winner on August 18 2020.

by Donald Cowboy Cerrone April 7, 2020

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Dick by name dick by nature

The famous saying of one Michael Dickens

Those Dickens boys are dick by name dick by nature

by Von hindumberg August 16, 2020

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Insert girl name here

insert girl name here, meaning that people on urban dictionary always describe girl names to be such sweet people, probably written by people named that and need a confidence boost. usually something like, "______" are the sweetest, best people ever they will sell their souls for you, surrender their first born child to you, amputate their kidney for you, and can cook and be basically your mother."

j: "Insert girl name here is so nice"
l:"no they are an asshole tf are you talking about"

by ilikeppandboobs April 6, 2022

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He Who Must Not Be Named

Harry Potter's Wizarding World's most feared Dark Magic Wizard named Lord Voldemort or He Who Must Not Be Named/ You Know Who. Sometimes I use it as a joke.

Friend: Who do you fear most?
Me: He Who Must Not Be Named
Bully: How disappointing. I didn't kill you. Then who will?
Me: He Who Must Not Be Named
Teacher: I saw you copying someone's homework. Tell me who!
Me: He Who Must Not Be Named

by Kitsune Ramen Boi 🍜 February 22, 2021

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Name Section on Urban Dictionary

1. A section of Urban Dictionary where people feel the need to write definitions about their own names to make themselves and those who they wish to have sexual intercourse with feel better.

2. A section of Urban Dictionary that is misused as a burn book to roast someone (usually a person from school) the author doesn’t like.

A few examples of what people do in the Name Section of Urban Dictionary.

1. Jason: β€œI’m gonna look my name up in the name section on Urban Dictionary.”
Jackson: β€œWhat does it say?”
Jason: β€œβ€˜Jason- Jason is the coolest kid in school and has the biggest penis ever’”
Jackson: β€œWho would be desperate enough for attention to write their own definition on Urban Dictionary?”
Jason: β€œMe, you dummy!”

2. Brittany: β€œOMG this girl named Sally at my school is such a slut. I’m gonna write a definition about her in the name section on Urban Dictionary.”
Becca: β€œLOL that would be sooooo funny! What will it say?”
Brittany: β€œSally- Sally is a slut who is a loser and is ugly. She is also a cow.”

by PissPotPatty April 16, 2018

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