A lighter, cheaper, lower alcohol content beer consumed in between “real beers” to allow for a longer period of “responsible” drinking.
Wow! I’m really feeling that last Stout big time! I think I need a Buffer beer like a Coor’s light so I don’t get wrecked too early.
The common off-hours and/or overtime drink of choice for overworked IT personnel, so called because it's stored in the subfloor where the AC is piped into.
You want a floor beer while we wait for the disks to sync?
Ryan Beer has a big dick and like hot woman Ryan Beer fucks all the time and never gets aids
Is that Ryan Beer damn he has a big dick, lets go fuck him!
Commonly appears in freshmen year of high school early sophomore; when the beer you had from a drinking kickback you had outside needs to be retrieved from a far place and brought to another destination.
Friend 1: Yo you gotta get the beer from the golf course and bring it to Steve's
Friend 2: Aw, are you fuckin serious?.. this is gonna be a fuckin epic beer journey
Beers that you buy in a bodega or gas station across the street from the hotel the next day to replace the beers you drank from the minibar.
We crushed all the beers in the mini bar last night, but they are like eight bucks, so before we checked out we went and got some replacement beers at the Seven 11 across the street.
Produced in Prince George BC, this is quite possible the worst beer known to man. Watery, tastes like piss, but hey 5.5%. Surprisingly however they make some damn good hard root beer.
Jimmy drank way too much fuckin Cariboo beer last night, it turned his piss green!
the modern resurrection of jesus as a bottle (or many!) of cold, hoppy, SUDS!! -members of the church waste no time 'praying', cracking container after container...beer even superseding some of the more 'base' disciplines such as greed/avarice, and SEX!! -some disciples hold 'services' daily, twice daily, or continuously.
one never questions faith, as boredom is never an issue! if a problem arises, one simply cracks a beer!
dan was a deacon in the church of beer, lisa had a hard time interesting him in her 'goods'.
bob was high up in the ministry of the church of beer, his only worship needs were a chair and a container!!
the church of beer has millions of devout followers!!