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Scene Kid

If I were asked to define a "scene kid", normally my answer would be, "A whore (Not necessarily in the prostitute form, although at least 75% of them will have sex with anything that moves.) who enjoys not only making a fool of them-selfself, but making them-self completely devoid of any intelligence, individuality, and having general ignorance of both the musical and written arts (including paintings, drawings, etc.), as well as a complete ignorance to society in general. More than likely this person will drop out of school, or never attend college, and end up with a dead end job at a mall, or whatever public establishment is cool at the time. This person will say "Working at the mall isn't that bad," or something to that effect, however, we all know that this is not true, because while you are wasting your time making minimum wage, the rest of us sensible people will be contributing to society (although it is all quite pointless, seriously, you'll be forgotten in one hundred years regardless of your accomplishments.) and supporting ourselves and our families with our high income. This particular subculture (if it can be called that, I feel 'label' could be more fitting) also enjoys listening to horrible music. (see: Screamo) After all, it is the cool thing to listen to, right?

Personally, I don't give a shit, just stop flailing your arms around and acting like douche bags. Grow the fuck up.

Scene kids are giant faggots. End of story.

by Notafag321321 August 30, 2009

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scene kids

the biggest arse holes of our time who think they are better than everyone else they claim to be hard core, yet they wont go in a mosh pit because they might wreck their hair what the fuck?!
they care about hair more than life itself they need to sort it out.
they also have myspace which is for fags with crappy names such as Ninjendo and tori riot

OMG Ninjendo, I'm not going in that mosh pit my hair will get ruined. I know I cant go in because I'm a lesbian (when I'm not realy)
"You scene kids are such cocks"
"fuck off we're not scene" (flicks hair back out of eye and back in)

by Pulman October 19, 2008

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Scene Kid

Any person who razor cuts their hair to an extremity, wears tight clothes, listens to post hardcore bands and tries to adopt a specific genre of music such as electro pop or usually 77 punk music as their own.

Guys usually seem to choose to be "scene" in an effort to get more girls to sleep with them, while at the same time alienating themselves from society because they look gay but are reportedly straight.

Unfortunately myspace has become a breeding ground for these "scene kids" since being a myspace whore and a scene kid go hand in hand.

"Lyke omfg, comment my new picture!, thats all that really matters to me since I get my ass kicked in the real world; on the street like every other scene kid!"

by Adam B0mb July 26, 2007

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scene bands

Basically the bands that really piss me off..

THERE APPEARANCE:they look like complete idiots they all wear tight clothes and look like little clones i dont know whats with the scarfs either.its all highly feminine and makes them look really really homsexual.

THEY THINK:there ultra cool and evreyone fancys them and there the next best thing.ie ARROGANT

THE GIRLS:are up there arse i must be the only one i know who isnt.

EVOLVED:they evolved from emo the cool rend before emo sucked but scene kids are the worst.

HOBBIES:pretending to love art,reading books,pretending there hard done to,and if there no good at music they will do art as a subject.

STYLE OF MUSIC: usually envolves screeching(run over cat type liek a girl) not roaring system of a down,slipknot type.not that im a fan.

sorry about the bad spelling.

i think ive said enough.

by Bevelee June 3, 2005

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Scene Kid

1.The kids in high school always causing big scenes over small shit, the retard looking group that you and your friends always hear being loud in the cafeteria when your trying to eat. That friend you have that always talks about his/her SHIT life.
2.to describe teens that use having a horrible life as an excuse to hide away with the rest of their strange species in a nutshell, to stay alive on they call "the fucked up earth" the Scene Kid must have his/her shots of "Smirnoff" atleast 24 times a day, and hang out in an empty parking lot such as "Lowes" when the sun goes down. The Scene Kid can range from the straight, gay, and bixsexual men and women.

1.hey yo nigga, look at dat gay motha fucka over there, nigga be wearin' tight pants and vests and shit, must be one of dem scence kids nigga fo' real.

2.Man, my girl hangs out with a bunch of homosexual men, is my girl a scene kid?

3.Don't hang out with that scene kid girl, she only Like-a-Da-Way-Yo-Dick-Tastes.

by Lukie-D June 25, 2008

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scene bracelet

a bracelet worn by scene kids usually made out of some sort of bandana...

Hey, that scenester is wearing a scene bracelet made out of a white bandana.

by HeyKate November 14, 2007

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scene junkie

people who go to concerts to use other people's shit

scene junkie: pass that shit over
fucked up attendee: fuck no scene junkie!

by crazy April 18, 2003

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