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Feet Dust

The Dust That Falls From My Black Grandmothers foot when she wrinkles her toes

Jamal: Hey Grandma
Gma: Can you sweep up my feet dust for me?

by TheOneDudeWho'sTypingRightNow August 26, 2022

Bone dust

When you splooge in a chick during sex and on your last thrust your shaft gets covered in your own cum but you never clean it off. Later in the day though when you clean your bone off the dried cum looks like dust falling off!

Killian was smashing Riley’s snatch last night and never cleaned his knob off after cream pieing her. A couple hours later bone dust was falling off his schlong when he took his dick out to piss

by Filthyfitz1 April 30, 2022

Bone Dust

what shall soon become the remnants of your spinal cord

you don't have your mask on sir so now your spine will become Bone Dust

by Oliver Tweest April 12, 2021

Sugar dusted donut dipper

A derogatory term for a gay person.

Also a dessert at Applebees

Is he ya know… sugar dusted?
Oh yea, he’s a total sugar dusted donut dipper

by brookesmom913 July 10, 2023

Cheeto Dust Taco

When a woman has neglected her self-respect and personal hygiene to the point of masturbating after eating a bag of Cheetos, or any other cheese snack for that matter, without cleaning off her fingers. The result is a Cheeto Dust Taco.

Bro, I was going to go down on that girl from the bar, but when I pulled her panties down I found a Cheeto Dust Taco

by minitrampoline March 13, 2023

booger dust

(Noun) The crustacious leavings, usually found at the opening of a person(s) nostrils. That is made up of crystallized mucous.

Example: "Bitch, why you be tryna kiss all up on me with that nasty ass booger dust!?"

by Ginabegood February 18, 2014

Saltine Dust

uninteresting, bland and boring.
Saltine Dust was said by Jessica Day from New Girl S5 E2

So Fred’s not shy, he just sucks. When I asked him what his favorite hobby was he said “towels”. I gotta break up with that human pile of saltine dust.

by madinah :) May 4, 2022