Source Code

fly af


aysena is fly af

by aysena_sexyshawty03 February 21, 2021

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slow fly

giving oral pleasure to the penis. syn.- blow job; giving head

"yo girl, lemme get a little slow fly"

"so we were making out, and then she just started giving me some slow fly"

by Roche123 September 6, 2008

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flying squirrell

to run and throw your pelvis in the air, resembling a flying squirrell.
Usually directed at someone whether it be a best friend or fat-chick.

Donny Doozie did the craziest flying squirrell last night at the bar.

by AnthonyWeaver March 29, 2006

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fly tipping

A way of dumping work assigned to you on someone else.

I had lots to do but after a spot of fly tipping i've not got that much to do.

I was going home but my boss has come over and fly tipped me.

Right im off home, i've just fly tipped what was left on to the graduate we recruited.

by matthew ward August 9, 2006

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flying toaster

A famous screensaver invented by Wes Boyd for the Macintosh computer, showing a squadron of winged toasters zooming across the stratosphere.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still think the flying toaster screensaver is cool.

by Jay Young February 21, 2005

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fly ass hoe

A skanky looking girl who roams large social gatherings looking for a hookup that isn't you.

Jim: Damn Paul. That is a good looking lady coming to talk to us.

Paul: she isn't coming to talk to you. She is a fly ass hoe.

by Moon man February 15, 2015

Geauga Flying Squirrel

A gay sex position, wherin four gay men do handstands without any clothes on. The gay men then take a four leged chair and insert a leg of each chair into each of their rectoms, all while still doing handstands,than the largest of the homosexuals sits atop the chair and begins to vigerously masterbate until he ejaculates and moistens the bodies of the four gay men still doing handstands.

(also known as The Cardinal High Special, because it is a common excircise done before all football games by their students.)

The gay students decided to finish their gay orgy with a Geauga Flying Squirrel.

by Point-Badgers. December 16, 2011

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