Somebody who takes credit & steals or rips off ideas, concepts, names from other peoples work. For their own gain.
A Copycat
Termed coined by Wrestling Promoter Terry Landel.
There's too many reach-around wannabes in the Wrestling Business today!
A. Noun, greeting: a way to say a friendly hello to a friend or close acquaintance
B. Noun, exclamation: a way to express dissatisfaction with a situation
A. (Greeting): Tom ran into Jerome at the gas station and said, “Hey man, what the fuck around?” Jerome replied, “What the fuck around? Going to that show later?”
B. (Exclamation): “You spilled relish on my shirt! What the fuck around?!?
Behavior exhibited by an individual possessing breasts wherein said individual demonstrates the fact that they have breasts through a combination of clothing, body language and speech.
I bought a button-less jacket because I enjoy boobing around on a daily basis.
Anne-Catherine got some new breast implants. I guess she couldn't resist boobing around.
Bubbling around is a piece of Victorian slang usually used to refer to a verbal attack, perhaps via gossip or the media.
“If you bubble around again, we will be forced to evict you from our most noble society.”
getting 3 cavities in one month after getting none for your whole life.
wow, she’s giving me the round around
Gezmek is a verb in Turkish language , which means going around/traveling around/visiting places etc.
So when ever you wanna go out and have fun , you can just easily use it!
Lets gez around in Taksim
I need some gezing around to feel better
Where you at ? I'm gazing around beee
This saying is used towards people who out of the blue start acting weird or oppositely of how they usually act. “Flip you car around” means “you better stop acting this way, Idk what changed your personality” also meaning to tell someone to change their attitude
Josh:hey bro
Brody: don’t talk to me
Josh: damn, flip your car around