an obnoxious individual who, sickly, gets off on copying, imitating, emulating, simulating or miming the words, gestures and expressions of another individual. the copycat becomes easily amused and the other individual feels like sticking their foot in said copycats ass. typical of 6 year olds but not uncommon in 34 year old lawyers.
na, na, na, na, na. deepi is a copycat.
552๐ 94๐
someone who sees something like clothes that they like. so, they make fun of you for wearing it, then sooner or later, they go out and buy the exact same stuff. then they wear it all the time and put pictures of themselves with their new duds on their facebook or myspace. then you tell them to stop copying you, and they say something like, " im not copying you, im taking what you did, and making it better." when in reality, they really suck at the whole style and it just doesn't work on them. or they'll say," i like the style but only on me, not you" then they'll call you a loser. they are always doing it because they think its cool, but they actually dont really like any of the clothes, music, or anything that comes with the job description.
copyer-"eeew! why are u wearing that its so ugly and so gothic!"
me-"its not gothic, i like it, so piss off"
copyer-*waits till later* goes to walmart or some store and buys the same stuff
me-i thought you made fun of me before for wearing that, now your trying to be like me? poser.
copyer-i like it on me not you loser
me-*laughs and rolls eyes* (under breath) "copycat"
63๐ 32๐
an obnoxious individual who, sickly, gets off on copying, imitating, emulating, simulating or miming the words, gestures and expressions of another individual. the copycat becomes easily amused and the other individual feels like sticking their foot in said copycats ass. typical of 6 year olds but not uncommon in 34 year old lawyers.
na, na, na, na, na. deepi is a copycat.
123๐ 74๐
an imitation, a person or thing that mimics another
Copycat stunts have been pulled in response to the original protest against putting unreadable agreements online.
16๐ 27๐
Some-one who copies you in everything you do like copies your dress sense(fashion) your sense of humour(Steals your jokes) Steals your pick up lines and one worders,Then they act like they didn't copy you or steal your style and personality but to you and others it is so obvious
"Look at her she's such a copycat she copied that word of me that was my word then she is going around saying it all the time & acting like she was the one made it up she's taking the credit for my word that friggin copycat"
"She stole my joke that stupid copycat"
"Look at that copycat what he is wearing it's like he so wants to be me, get your own style and fashion you copycat"
Guy1:"I shaved my head last week then this week he has shaved his"
Guy2:"He's such a copycat it's so obvious he wants to be like you"
109๐ 21๐
someone who takes your stye. The only reason they do it is because you look good and they want to look good like you. They want to look less ugly so they copy your style. That is what copying someones style.
me: i love converses
Slut ugly neighbor: omg! i love converses and it looks better on me
me:but you just said you hated them
Slut ugly neighbor: They are VERY awesome on you but they are better on me too.
me: your such a copycat! ur even trying to wear my clothes! You never wear these
157๐ 47๐
Copying someone's sense of style.
Jeez, that Justin guy is wearing the same shoes as him, what a copycat
14๐ 3๐