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F'n Jew


Quit being like PK-King. He's an F'n Jew.

by GTiki September 18, 2019

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Negatively defined by the 1940s.

40s Jews couldn't Jew-fu. They would still be with us if they could. Would jew?

by IntelligenceAndLove February 10, 2017

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jew faggot

jacob stanley

man 1: hey bro chill you’re acting like a jew faggot

man 2: yea sir Fagalot chill out

by hugh suknutz April 15, 2019

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Jew Strokin

When you and your friends are just having fun painting together when all of the sudden a fat Jew comes up and paints day-glo orange clown faces all over your shit.

Hey, did Brad just Jew Stoked my painting? Stop Jew Strokin me!

by skitzoso April 15, 2011

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Jew Minute

30 seconds because Jews are so Stingy that they cant promise you the full minute.

"hey man, when are you gonna get to my house?"
"in a Jew Minute"

by Raul Entudia January 25, 2012

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Glory Jew


Derogatory term for someone who, when a group acheives something, attempts to integrate themselves into said group, thus benefitting from the glory of said acheivement.

Guy 1: Oh did you see the game last night? My team kicked ass!

Guy 2: Yeah, I love that team, I've always supported them, you know I was just busy last night...

Guy 1: Oh then how come I've never heard of this before? *gasp* You Glory Jew!

by NumberOneWingman November 14, 2010

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Mountain jew

Mountain Jew is a refreshing beverage that consists of a Jewish women's urine a.k.a having a Jewish women piss in your mouth

Jewish woman:I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you
Man:im gonna need some mountain Jew for that extra energy boost

by Stoner_beux_420 May 2, 2021

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