A Kent Move, is a superhero type action that one person makes for another. An action that is easily recognized as good.
When Kaylee needed a friend to kill a spider, her friend Amber made a Kent move and squashed it .
something that you really want to do sometimes, but then you see all the stuff youll hafta do!
but you still want to move out...
i want to move out
Denglische Ausdrucksweise für an jemanden ranmachen/ansprechen und ersten Schritt machen
Hast du gestern auf der Party noch einen move gepulled.
Komm, hab dich nicht so, pull' einfach deinen move.
Ich möchte heute aber nicht meinen move pullen.
Nope. You just suck at the game, dip-shit.
Hym "Not the ONLY winning move."
When one has explosive diarrhea and has to make it to the nearest toilet. Also known as Bathroom Emergency.
*Taken from the movie Next Friday.
Oh no, I'm having a move out my way Stanley!!
Banning Kali and goyo in a ranked match on R6
Let’s go we banned kali and goyo that’s such a checkmate move
The art of Banning the Sniper murderer Kali and Mexican Man Goyo in a ranked game of Rainbow six siege
Let’s hit the enemy with the Checkmate move