A trick a dog performs while catching a Frisbee whereas they bounce it off of their nose one or more times before catching it in their mouth. One bounce would constitute a circus dog, two bounces would be a double circus dog, three bounces for a triple circus dog, etc.
My dog Sheeba was so lose she was pulling double circus dogs all afternoon.
Urban art aficionado, lover of city art under ground art and unique art of all kinds.
The local art dogs looked on in appreciation for the new piece of art that had appeared on the wall of the park basket ball court over night.
Showing his true colors (green) the art dog added the new Heady glass piece to his art collection.
The art dogs of the world wait curiously in anticipation of what Banksy will do next.
The hot dogs sold at the food stand at home depot. They are the best hot dogs in the world and do not even compare to other hot dogs.
Steve: Hey I'm gonna do a Home Depot run.
Jared: Can you get me a depot dog while you're there?
Swinger dog; A dog that lives down the road and is shared by families... most who live in trailers.
Swinger dog; Goliath is a big pitbull that swings with my family, screws my bitch, and lives a mile away.
Fear the featherless fright that blights the plight that is Florida aka a Florida dog
Letting the dog go outside to pee and/or drop a few stools.
{John}: Martha, can you pee the dog, please? I think that he has to go poddy.
{Martha}: John, I pee'd the dog but he didn't piss or shit.