Porn. Especially the printed type., and including internet, videos, DVDs, telephone sex talk. IM rooms, the result of which is orgasm with out a partner.
Call it "Virtual Cheating", or a 'victim-less', the problem of Paper Butterflies is the resulting detachment to another person sexually.
So Susan was cheating on Bill and they got a caught??
Well She was chasing paper butterflies on the computer and forgot to erase the history !
Sand paper is what you get from skinning a middle eastern person.
"I'm gonna sell sand paper on the black market", said Pat with a laugh.
Toilet paper syndrome (TPS) When you think the world is going to end but it’s not and you’re just an idiot. Example: Jim: OMG it’s raining I better drive 30 miles per hour in the 65 zone. SAM: it’s just rain, sounds like you have TPS!
Jim: OMG it’s raining I better drive 30 miles per hour in the 65 zone. SAM: it’s just rain, sounds like you have TPS!
Jim: what’s TPS?
SAM: Toilet paper syndrome
One of Doctor Who's remedies.
Psychic paper is a blank, white card that has special properties.
When shown to a person, it can usually induce them to see whatever the user wishes them to see printed on it,
The Doctor often uses it to appear as an authority to the people he shows it to.
The Tenth Doctor explained that it “assigned authority based on the reader's perceptions”.
Amy: What was it that you showed them?
The Doctor: It's psychic paper, it shows me as their superior.
is when a person cums on a pl;ate and lets it dry for 24hrs then eats it.
clear paper
A piece of degreed paper mentally worn after years of schooling, usually producing an opinion of superior thinking.
All those years of schooling to get your paper badge and now you have all authority?
Filling up the toilet bowl with lots of scrunched up toilet roll as the particuarly troublesome shit you've just had continues to leave smears on every bit you wipe with, therefore making the pan resemble a not so pleasant waste paper basket.
There's no paper in that one mate, I've just had a right sticky one and turned the pan into a monster brown paper basket