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Golden Arches

What your coronary arteries turn into after 30+ years of Mickey-D's.

Jack: Look at that fatso under the fake azaleas!
Jill: Yeah, he's really taken the Golden Arches to heart.

by squamouscell January 5, 2011

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Golden Ape

When your giving a girl anal, and you piss in her ass. she then proceeds to take a shit on your chest. now its shit/piss on your chest and she rubs it all over so you look like an ape cause your brown and gold.

Person 1:....and i can do a Golden Ape.
Person 2: What a Golden Ape?
person 1: If you have to ask you cant afford it.

by Frostown January 25, 2009

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Golden Nugget

When two or multiple men go camping and have anal sex in the woods using astroglide and mustard as lubricants. The hard pounding and dirty conditions accompanied with mustard produce gold colored shit clumps.

Hey Andy is rounding up some dudes to go camping and looking for "Golden Nuggets".

by Kevin Kent January 23, 2014

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golden baby

An insult, meaning "gay". Like that saying "silence is golden" and then that other saying "when there is silence a gay baby is born" so telling someone they are a golden baby is basicly calling them gay.

Pat you are such a golden baby!!!

by EvilButton March 2, 2008

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Golden Day

A day which is a goddess looking girl's blessed day

A handsome looking guy is looking forward for the glory Golden Day after days and days of preparation

by The legendary captain March 16, 2019

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Golden opportunity

Drunkenly peeing the bed when company is over and blaming it on them in the morning

"Dude, did you bang that chick last night?"
"Yeah bro, but I was so wasted I pissed the bed"
"Did you blame it on her in the morning?"
"No, why?"
"Then you, my friend, missed a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY"

by wiznerd1 January 6, 2010

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golden teeth

fucked face with gold teeth from sanyaara

a agy boy called tind with golden teeth from the jewwelers

by faisal May 7, 2004

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