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Show us your name

Shitty Instagram trend where people search up their name knowing it will be some bullshit positive description

Person 1:Have you tried the show us your name trend on Instagram

Person 2:No, KYS

by Glstomps28 November 24, 2021

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Showing card tricks to a dog

Trying to a explain something that's very complex to someone that doesn't understand the basic fundamentals the thing you are explaining is based on.

I tried to explain it to him, but he kept asking the same non sequitur questions over and over. I felt like I was showing card tricks to a dog.

by Al Benedict November 12, 2010

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Showed Her My Dick

The art and process of being somewhere at some point in time, and showing her your dick.

Bro: So I was at Wal-Mart, picketing bro. You know, for the environment? And this bitch walked up and I showed her my dick.

by Mr.FancyPants December 27, 2008

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The Big Joe Polka Show

The single greatest tv show ever!! If you do not know what Big Joe Polka is, you are missing out.

Dean: "Spook, grab the Shlitz and Goo Goo's, The Big Joe Polka Show is about to start!"

by SpookN December 4, 2005

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Don't Show the Whole Gorilla

In music, the Phrase "Don't show the whole gorilla" means to avoid giving full volume in any crescendos untill the song's climax, thus "hiding the gorilla". The phrase comes from king kong, in which the audience is teased and hinted at to what is behind the curtain when kong is captured.

Band Director:On this next run-through, use your phrasing and dynamics well, but Don't Show the Whole Gorilla untill measure 74.

by MExibone January 18, 2011

go show carlo the tree

Definition: 1) Please excuse us; 2) Can we have a little privacy here?; 3) scram; 4) get lost.

Said when you want to speak with only certain people in the room. Could also mean you want them to just get out of your sight. Can be accompanied by an arm gesture with thumb pointing the way you want them to go.

Line uttered by Sonny Corleone to his sister Connie and her new friend (and soon to be dead husband) Carlo when they wanted to discuss family business on the morning of 'Pops' birthday in the Godfather Part II.

Sonny: "Go show Carlo the tree".

by Vesper47 February 4, 2020

4th of July Firework show

This is where four dudes take turns jizzing onto a girls face and screaming "AMERICA, FUCK YEAH" This can only be done in the month of July

"Me and the homies found a girl who was up for a 4th of July Firework show. She looked like frosty the snowman when we were done with her."

by Vanilla Water November 8, 2017