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Among Us Theory

The amount is theory is where you scream at someone until they are eventually voted out

"ITS GREEN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" among us theory

by Cra_zzy0 August 11, 2023

Knanny theory

Never discuss Politics or religion with those you truly love.
Be thier for a friends/family even after that friend/family members has crossed you in the past. There was a reason they were part of your life from the get go.

Never judge a book/movie by it's cover. It's all sales and marketing tack designed to allure your sights to the product. Reading in to and research is the only way to understand it completly for yourself.

When you say love it means, you are willing to do the right above all, for that reason. Even if it means stumping yourself short in the end. People will always find a way back up from down and vice versa.

Knanny theory: All will be well
another Day
another sell
Unconsious minds bring upon thier own hell

Love with your mind
Keep you heart beating
Journey the next day my darling kind
It's only your body depleting

I'll love now as I did then
Artisctic ability's warm your soul
Speaking again, only you will know when
Take a glimps choose your goal

I wish you what brings you solace with a smile
For some one to hear the words stay a while
Will bring a bridge and fill a gap
Nor soldiers slain, riddled, with sap:)

by HppyMadisMyFavProd.Co. November 30, 2009

The John D. Theory

Any object, substance, or person has been created or built by a man/woman named John/Joan D. Whatever they created takes the place of their last name.

The John D. Theory is as follows: John D. Earth, also known as God, created the Earth.

by Kyle Ninneman February 28, 2020

The Rolling Theory

This theory is the same exact concept as the pickle and/ or olive theory, but for pothead significant others. If the relationship has one person who is a master at rolling and a master at getting high, then the relationship is at an equilibirum. This is best explained by the phenomenon of “opposites attracting.” Since there is always one person who knows how to roll and another who wishes how, the compatibility of both partners are being constantly tested.

* This does not guarantee that someone who can roll and someone who cannot are perfect matches. It is simply a trope found in stereotypical stoner couples and is a better argument than the olive or pickle theory itself.

Friend: “Yeah, me and my girl are pretty close. We smoke a lot but I don’t know how to roll…”
Me: “Sounds like THE ROLLING THEORY to me bro. Does she roll all the time or do you bring your piece?”
Friend: “I don’t even have a bong! I bring weed and she always insists we match, I think I might have to put a ring on that finger!”
Me: “Hooray!!!!”

by lovetherapistruntz June 10, 2024

neat theory

elimination process

Um... Miss Tillman.
Paul Young's been missing for a couple of days. Have you seen him?
Why ask me?
I saw him leave a box on your doorstep.
And I've seen Zach over here.
If I did know where Mr. Young was, why would I tell you?
Look, the police think I killed your sister and I'm sure you do too. But I had nothing to do with it.
And you think Paul Young did.
Well... No, that's not what I was saying.
You gotta admit, it's a neat theory.

by weeknew September 14, 2018

flowponics theory

The flowponics theory is an opinion on how a flowponics system works.

When discussing flowponics the flowponics theory is used to describe how someone thinks the system operates. That is the basics of flowponics theory.

by doublestandarddems April 28, 2013

Austin Theory

A failed cash in

Austin theory shouldn’t be MITB winner

by NYCDEMONDIVA July 23, 2022