To chug wine very fast which is not pleasant, but sometimes necessary, and gets you drunk faster. Named after the social media personality of the same name who guzzles wine before telling it how it is. The action will cause you to make weird faces like Matt does in his videos, but will get you drunk faster and help you quickly finish a glass (or bottle) of wine.
Me: Hey our Uber is almost here; Matt Bellassai that shit!
My friend: *chugs the wine* Oh god, that’s rough! Ok, I’m ready. Let’s do this!
a Matt is a person that :
1. hates math
2. doesn't like school
3. is an amazing fortnite player
4. has cats
5.hates life
6. hates other people
7. likes sleeping.
8. hates his brother.
(e.g. oop, yup we've found a Matt (reaper) )
the goat. really all there is too it. greatest at everything. no contest.
“Bro i’m way better than you”
“Cap i’m matt singh, goated you know”
Information or statistics that have not been researched and are told convincingly to seem believable. Similar to "Fake News", but it originates from the saying "as a matter of fact" which was short handed to "Matt Facts"
"Most people order a half cow or pig throughout the year."
"Those are definitely Matt Facts."
This describes the rage that rushes through whilst playing FUT Champs.
FUT Champs Player 1: "FOR FUCK SAKE!!! VAN DER SSAAAAaaaaarrRRR!"
Friend in party: "Head gone mate?"
Other friend in party: "You've got Matt+".
Matt Barrese he biggest dick ever he's amazing at sex this name gives you the knowledge to give great advice to everyone and you are always right
sex is Matt Barrese Number one best quality