A coworker who is very attractive and super sweet and you would like to fuck him but you think of him as a little brother. Also, he needs to let you cut that hair.
Taylor Man needs to let me cut his hair. For reals.
1) The word used to describe a man who is a whore. Pronounced like "manure".
2) A man who can't keep is penis in his pants. Takes it out whenever he feels the need.
3) Fucks hoes allday errday. He isn't respected by women but is to all of his friends who are just like him.
4) Male equivalent to a female whore.
How to spot a manore:
- He will eyefuck you until you lady jizz.
- Will be too good with his words.
- He might look a bit gay just to make ladies feel more comfortable.
- Is normally a musician.
- Has a herd of sluts following him. They are normally the girls he has already pursued.
- They can look ugly or beautiful, just watch out.
When a woman is craving cock so bad, she will take any man.
Sharon has the man munchies, and she will be taking someone home tonight.
Femboy UwU: I'd love to fuck pp man.
Other Femboy UwU: doesnt he have a horsecock that would fill my tummy with his cummy OwO
1. A man that looks like a pp
2. a pedophile who eats chunky soup
1. Ha look there is a pp man
2. Oh no a pp man help