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1. Pimp. - noun, from the creole patois, maqereau.

2. Macaroni

Person 1 : He ain't a Mac.

Bystander in earshot: Mmm, macaroni!

by morphin mizzle April 18, 2017


Normally an abbreviation for a longer name. This person has a fun family, who can give them a hard time. Funny, cute and fun to be around. Can be the life of the party, when they are awake! But Can also sleep anywhere, and makes one great warm pillow. Those eyes can be something, almost light and dark at the same time. They do little things that will surprise you and can make you mad in the moment, while actually making Awww! later, and wish they were around. Plays a tough game but can be a softie. Get them drunk to find out their true intentions. But don't be surprised if they play it cool later, they're just nervous. Find a Mac and hang on for the ride of laughs and tears eventually you will find each other.

:Ugh dude is pouring his heart out over there!
: Is he a Mac
: Ya

by BBCRZYGRL22 November 27, 2018


Someone who is usually a bum of a person. You would describe a mac as a big Scottish hunk and always complaining. He can be nice sometimes though.

1.you are a mac
2. you're acting like a mac

by Procerity May 7, 2022



A master in the art of communication

Persuasively Charismatic

"Now to, understand-a mac-a-fram-a-lama, you must first know the lingo
Comprehend the grammar
Feel me when I flow, learn what I'm lacin
M.A.C, I Mastered the Art of Communication"

by KBRC August 8, 2014


to be a pretentious shitheel

"have you seen mac around?"
"yeah, but I always try to avoid them"

by MacNCheeseHater July 21, 2023


A piece of shit computer that WAS superior to Windows for 25 years. Until Windows 7 (2009) became the reason Mac can go fuck itself. For 10 fucking years, mac has been inferior technology but due to 25 years of superiority, apple's marketing tactics, and empathy for Steve Jobs' death people think this overpriced dog shit is good somehow.(believe it or not I met people who like Apple just because this cunt chose to take herbal medicine instead of first world methods. If he was raised in a third world country where the people know what spices to use, then that's fine, but this guy chose to die of fucking cancer). The one perk people won't stop fucking bitching to PC users about is that macs don't get viruses. Get a fucking brain and realize that macs don't get viruses because software engineers use windows and linux, no software engineer uses mac because macs literally only specialized in consumer needs and not advanced users needs yet somehow they even fucked that up. Think about it a virus is trying to infiltrate data that was put in a program by someone who is educated on computers. Someone educated isn't going to use macs. So it's very simple that viruses don't target macs. A virus could give less fucks about someone's liberal arts degree essay.

15-30 year old student/intern : I need a new computer to complete my schooling or to get working.
A mac expert who says the truth (pretty rare, most of them think apple is good or at least tell you that): Would you like a 1300 dollars of heaping pile of shit that we don't even tell you in advance if it can be upgraded, repairs have to be done in shop, and "only" the software of your apple devices don't belong to you. It's only the fucking software lol, yeah because the hardware is so useful without software isn't it, so you are pretty much a slave of Apple when you sign these Terms and Conditions. The memory is slow as shit which is why we only tell you the memory capacity not the clock speed. The HDD not SSD in spite of the price has 125 GB so that we give you just enough storage that when you run out you tell yourself that I only need a little bit more so you take the free 5 GB in ICLOUD STORAGE (I wonder who fucking owns that) and when you thought it was bad enough that repairs are in shop, you have to pay us fuckers for more than 130 GB storage. You have wasted 1300 dollars on us and now more. The CPU is 1.6 GHz. Not a single fucking component seems to be decent for the price you pay us. We don't get viruses so don't worry about needing an anti virus software. But we aren't going to tell you why viruses don't target mac because that would hurt our ability to hurt consumers and that is against the terms and conditions.
15-30 year old Student/Intern: Mac is gr8

by stablegasneon_nazi January 23, 2019


A light-brown weeb who is really tall for some reason. He likes to be lazy, veg out, watch anime, and play video games. He thinks that it's wrong that you get different levels of respect depending on your age. It takes a really long time to get him angry, and when you do make him angry, *cough cough Demario cough cough* well, that's too bad.

Wow, Macs are a bit to complicated for me.

by PMX June 21, 2019