Science class is the most annoyingly pointless core there could possibly be. Something to note about all other subjects in school such as math, english, and history is that they actually are (for the most part) beneficial in later life. Science is not. It doesn't matter if you are flipping patties like spongebob or destroying earth with laser sharks. You don't need to know what homologous means or heterozygous or learn how to make a punnett square. You simply don't
Man I have Science Class this year I can't wait to learn all about a completely pointless subject even though I most likely will just be a minimum wage slave!
Total uncoordinated chaos where nothing gets done
“Mr X, how would you describe science class?”
“Chaos, pure chaos.”
It is a person, who spends more time in other classes than in his
Dude, this guy again? He is not even in our class...
Lol, he is a fucking class hobo xd
Undeniably the worst batch of Grade 10.
if ykyk
Aditya: Man this year went so bad.
Anvi: You could almost compare it to-
Srishti: ooh ooh that waste of a class 10-B, remember?
Giving a pair of rather impressive breasts a proper greeting.
Much obliged, sir. You have Extreme Class..Oh, I just be playin witcha titties n given em high fives..