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Paper Moon

Aggresive and / or insatiable

Paper moon - Aggresive and / or insatiable

When you're in a dive bar and you judiciously grab a potential soul make by the cock. This is the official Dixie land form of " shooting your shot"

This works best at bars located by the marsh, or by some body of water on the north GA coast..... the red neck riviera.

by D'endo June 26, 2023


It is an act of stealing petty goods from a gullible owner to sell it in pawn shops. The term is first used in a tamil movie, rendu (2006) when Vadivelu and Maddy steals from the Auto driver.
Madhavan: Hey, the project expenses are too much. How are we gonna afford it?
Vadivelu: "Paper-Liquid"

Maddy: you don't even have a job, how are you managing your finances?
Vadivelu: I have paper-liquided lot of things from my friend

by Cringe boy 1 June 16, 2021

paper cowboy hats

The disposable paper toilet seat protectors, found in public restrooms.

Hey, look at these great paper cowboy hats, I found in the restroom. Try passing them out while at the airport, to strangers. Make up a sign that says, ‘Get, your free paper cowboys hats here’.

by Navydude83 March 18, 2018

Lisa left the paper towel

When a hard working individual distracts another hard working individual with a mofo paper towel...

"Lisa left the paper towel!"

Information was written, but they couldn't write their information fast enough because Lisa left the g-d d-mn paper towel!

by Handy ManWell February 6, 2021


A newspaper that focusses on profit rather than serious journalism.

A paper that has no interest in winning a Pulitzer Prize or other awards for journalistic excellence might well be a joke-a-paper more interested in revenue from display and classified ads than trying to investigate what goes on behind the scenes.

by Circus Room December 31, 2011

loo paper

another word for loo roll

Person on loo: I need more loo paper.

by Censored July 6, 2006

No more paper?

When you need to print something but you realise you have ran out of paper

Oh no!
Is there No More Paper?

by cool dogs eat December 17, 2022