Someone who promises 8 to 10 inches but you only get 2 - 3
Or a man who lies about the size of his manhood.
Don’t believe his game he’s a weather man.
P1 How was that guy last night. He was spittin some game
P2 he’s a weather man. Promise 12 inch’s but I just got a dusting.
A retired quarterback that could be best described as mediocre at doing anything besides destroying the way-to-large dreams of the entitled Patriots fans
Bill Belichick: AHHH! My kryptonite ELI MANNING
Tom Brady: Come on coach let’s skiddadle
D-Man is a character from the recent game Physics playground 2 and is found in the background of some videos of pp2.
and theese videos are found in the physics playground 2 discord server.
This phenomenon was first uploaded as a video from Mr. Novako some time in February (estimated) of him doing something in the game and, animation gamer studios noticed a dummy in the window of the tall building of the sandbox 2 as of beta 5.
The image since became an inside joke and a huge mystery/conspiracy theory of physics playground 2 and the video has since been deleted.
Animation gamer studios downloaded the video and wont reupload beacuse MrNovako didnt allow it and is not proud of what happened in the video
do you think this is a myth?
Have you Heard of the Legend D-Man?
One who’s a nasty drunk and is racist
oh bro he was being such a D-Man
A cool dude, but whenever he does something, everyone screams "Good D-man!"
Darcey: *Dies*
Everyone: "Good D-man!"