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Calpy Boy

Man that does not think. And gets on the tank all the time.

Dumb Arse

by TC June 19, 2003

National hug a boy day😃

Today is the day you are supposed to hug all of your guy freinds

October 14th

Oh look it’s National hug a boy day😃”

by Didgdusgrifgsshshhhh October 14, 2021

one fat boy

an extra tummy

That boy WAS ONE fat boy.

by justWonderXD May 20, 2021

Safe Boy

A pussy. A robinet who is always afraid of opening up their square mind. Someone referred to as a Safe Boy usually doesn't participate in group activities, especially ones involving any level of malice. Parties are especially a no-go for these safe boys.

Have you met Sean? Yeah I heard he's a Safe Boy.
No, don't invite Isaiah, he's a Safe Boy, he'll snitch.

by MichealMichealButterLover April 9, 2024

Jalopi Boi

one who likes to self suck

Bro one: "lmao look at the jalopi bois chat"

Bro two: tf is a jalopi boi,

Bro one: I'ts a lifestyle you wouldn't understand

by YA MAMMMZ October 3, 2019

quegs boy

A posh, stuck up and big headed boy that often has a small penis and is completely up his own arse thinking girls want them when infact they don't.

Jack Forrest is a quegs boy

by harshbuttrue November 12, 2014

Quegs Boys

a collective term for a group of posh knobheads who reckon they’re smarter than everyone else and all the girls like them when really there just some knobhead with slicked back hair and a buttoned shirt at a party

that guy in the corner… he’s one of them quegs boys

by ratsinthekitchen October 27, 2021