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Chinese Thunderroll

When a man porks a women, eats her like shrimp fried rice, then porks her again.

Last weekend Justin gave me the Chinese thunderroll!

by Why must I do this July 21, 2019

Chinese lobster

Above excellent egg rolls. The implication is that the egg rolls are so delicious they are a welcomed substitute for delicious lobster.

Mostly used in Eastern Canada.

My uncle picked up some Chinese lobster Friday night from the usual place. Those are so good they don't even need plum sauce!

by Cosiner January 10, 2011

Chinese Chaloopa

The sexual act in which a man (or butch lesbian) goes to a health department, b-rated Chinese restaurant, and needs to take a massive spicy shit after. The man then unloads this torrent into the woman's pussy meow-meow, which is probably what he ate at the restaurant. Then, he eats and fucks the shit like the a little greasy stoner piggy getting the 5 dorrar box at 3AM at a Taco Bell.

Matt: "I might have just gotten food poisoning from eating a fried rat at that new Chinese place"
Derrick: "Nice! Try giving your girl a good old Chinese Chaloopa"

by Ninaleven June 29, 2023

(Chinese) finger trap solution

a solution that is counter-intuitive to the problem. Its name derives from the Chinese finger trap which in order to free your fingers, you have to push your fingers instead of pulling.

the drug epidemic in the USA had a (Chinese) finger trap solution

by Vandena January 13, 2021

Chinese Sandwich

When two vaginas are pressed tightly together, and someone puts literal roast beef in the center.

"I was almost late for work because my girlfriend and her sister made me a Chinese Sandwich for lunch"

by HelloPity January 22, 2024

With Chinese Characteristics

Used when you mean the exact opposite of what you say beforehand.

Origin: “Socialism with Chinese characteristics”, meaning: corporatist hellhole of child labor factories with suicide nets, but we get to eat bing chilling afterwards.

Mike: Hey honey, I’m gonna go head to the grocery store, with Chinese characteristics.

Susan: I already know you’re cheating on me. You don’t have to use your stupid meme phrase.

by K. C. Austin February 22, 2023

chinese stop

When someone gets out of their car at a red light to check their tires.

At the next red light I'm going to need to pull a Chinese Stop.

by Notjoking April 8, 2016