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Ethan uhlig

Ethan Uhlig is the best brother I have ever had.

“Man Ethan Uhlig is so cool!”
“Yeah I wish Ethan Uhlig was my brother.”

by Buttercup_bud July 8, 2021

Ethan meyer

Fucks a ton of bitches and gets to 4th base every time.

Wow, Ethan Meyer is so cool, he must fuck loads of women.

by Trevmart06 May 1, 2023

Ethan ledbetter

A skinny tall blonde mother fucker the makes fun of furries

Furry: “bark bark im sexually attracted to do-
Ethan: shut the fuck up
Just think about it, a HUMAN dressing up like a dog and acting like one, “Ethan Ledbetter

by No morefurries April 11, 2022

Ethan Couch ain't got nuthin' on me

A "modern day" variation on the classic "I'll be able to call David Rockefeller a tramp" saying, and used to humorously refer to your having made a modest profit and/or unexpectedly gained a few bucks extra on a difficult job you recently completed.

Cool hunk #1, seeing his buddy --- who had jokingly told him earlier that morning that he was "wearing himself out getting rich" by driving here and there around town for a couple hours to give several people car-rides for a few bucks apiece --- feverishly lugging humongous bundles of bagged returnable-containers along a hot dusty highway: Gettin' too rich there, Dude?
Cool hunk #2: Yeah, fer sher, Pal --- I declare, I'm gettin' so gol-durned filthy-rich that I can hardly even carry all my vast wealth around! Ethan Couch ain't got nuthin' on me!

by QuacksO August 17, 2018

Ethan and Sally

two people dating. quite the lovebirds and they do it with eachother on multiple occasions.

: Wow, they're a good couple
:Yeah, they're ethan and sally so ofc they are

by lokiburns08 July 19, 2022

ethan dong

The guy with the biggest dong in all of the world. He can pull any girls with this dong energy, He's the master at it.


by Rickroll13203d June 20, 2023

Ethan D.C.M

The most handsome and loving man in the universe. So kind to people and animals alike and is a true diamond in the rough. Ethan works so hard and puts 100% effort and enthusiasm into everything he does.No one can compare to Ethan, because Ethan is epic ❤️ Ethan is also a bit of a silly salmon, but it's very endearing to see him act daft from time to time.

Girl: Wow my boyfriend is the best

Girl 2: Sorry, you're incorrect. Your boyfriend isn't called Ethan D.C.M therefore he can't be the best. There's only one Ethan in the world and that's my Ethan.

by Boogle5 June 4, 2021