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My mind

I am fucking losing it over here...

Hym "In case you were wondering, I'm losing my mind over here... These fucking bastards man... Can't fucking sleep... GodDamnit...m"

by Hym Iam August 13, 2023

mind dog

To mentaly categorize someone as a 'dog' whilst verbaly leading them to think of them self's as the complete opposite

Girl: "hey babe do you want to come to the servo with me"?
Boy: "nah I'll just wait here for you"
Girl: (sigh) "ok ill just go by myself then" ("thinks to self:"ok I'll just go by myself then Dog" )

Girl tells friends on way to servo: " see that look I gave him full put him on the mind dog"

by moremagicthanharry October 9, 2014

mind your six

watch your back

manasa, i’m coming! mind your six!

by acleanswitch April 5, 2024


Which "chews" the mind, i.e. hits it strongly for being particularly surprising, amazing, awesome.

I haven't seen anything particularly mind-chewing lately there.

by fl0 February 2, 2012

volcan mind wank

when one masturbates without actually touching him/her self

look up andy hoad on facebook he likes to volcan mind wank

by go go gadget dick March 27, 2011

Gnostic mind virus

The gnostic mind virus is belief in the general idea that man is god.

Common symptoms include: talking about "consciousness" a lot, a belief in "manifestation", belief that thoughts make reality, that we are all one, use of the term "the matrix"

It can be contracted through the use of psychedelic drugs, meditation, going down conspiracy rabbit holes

Refer to Romans 1:22-25

Lad 1: Me mate started meditating and now he keeps talking about "consciousness"
Lad 2: uh oh looks like he got the gnostic mind virus

by p0o0ooo0 January 31, 2025

being mindful

being gay, fruity, a lesbian, a gay man

That man is being mindful!”
“Yes, that man loves men.”

by snneezle July 27, 2024