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bianca rose taylor ignacio

honestly the best girlfriend a guy could ask for. it started on february 6th but cooper mayo was too dumb back then. he couldn't see what he sees right now. this beautiful, amazing, wonderful girl walked into his life and he never wanted it to be any other way. she takes care of him and holds his hand through life. she's his bestest friend, girlfriend, and future wife. he loves her with his whole heart. she truly is so brilliant. her eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky and being with her is a breath of fresh air. she's loved by lots of people but cooper mayo loves her most. happy anniversary to the most amazing girl ever <3

cooper matthew mayo really really loves bianca rose taylor ignacio

by Mr Bunny88 April 3, 2023

smelling like a rose

To be in trouble and/or tough situations, with everything and everyone seeming to be against you, yet you come out on top, no worse for wear.

I came out of it, smelling like a rose.

by Root Doctor December 14, 2023

Rose washing

The process of changing the events of a story or history to make it appear more pleasant than reality at the expense of the cold hard truth.

Often to present an agenda in misleading facts to make some historical events or periods more attractive to modern audiences. Downplaying unethical choices made in the past.

Or seen in movies and TV, where producers ignore original source facts to construct a story of their own liking. For instance:
Turning as novel about both sides in a war committing atrocities to good guys vs bad guys, establishing a clear direction in narrative to influence audience bias.

I can't believe they are rose washing the story of Alexander Hamilton! They ignored his contributions to slavery!

by Banba Sed September 25, 2022

Rose filter

My brother is a moron and he thinks this is a proper phrase

I am a moron with a rose filter

by Alberto CG August 4, 2019

rose filter

My brother is a moron and he thinks that this is a saying

I'm a moron , rose filter

by Alberto CG August 4, 2019

Orange rosed

The fact of being promised the world, yet being deceived and cheated on exactly one month after buying an apartment together . The fatal combo.

Guillaume: How are you bro ?
Samsam: Not too good bro. Just got orange rosed.

by Zizouman59 September 30, 2023

Winter Rose

Sad darn encrusted wrinkled withered soul or flour a girl who is so hard and and in Case by her own walls no one will ever get in isolating herself leaving her selfish and lonely in this world surrounded by sick of ants and hypocrites herself turned inward no one loves or will ever love something that cannot be touched buy a good clean heart.

Winter Rose; a thorn and crusted sad soul of a flower too cold for itself too cold for the world could have been a beautiful soul and a beautiful girl loving kind in full of joy to spread but instead let herself die inside pretending everybody else was fake and she was the only one that was real sad lonely flower all alone there's never f****** love by anybody'

by Alternateluciferian October 23, 2020