When a person is shot in the back of their head, twice.
The first shot is always lethal, the second shot makes sure that they are dead.
Used against Chinese people who are hostile/show disliking toward the Chinese Government.
Similar to being suicided
Person1: Hey did you hear that 抗议者 disappeared after going to a pro-democracy protest.
Person2: Yes, I heard he got Chinese suicided.
Person1: I'm so glad that I support everything that our great and glorious country does.
Person2: I think our country needs a change of leadership, we need a leader that puts the people before the party.
(Person2 got Chinese suicided later that day)
An objectively (according to everyone but yourself) complete mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
If I tell you you're committing business-suicide please ask yourself the question of whether or not you have enough capitalism acumen to successfully run a business, either currently or in the near future
An objective, according to everyone but yourself, complete mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
If I tell you you're committing business-suicide please ask yourself the question of whether or not you're genetically fit to live in a capitalist society.
An objective, according to everyone but yourself, mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
if someone you trust tells you are committing business-suicide, please don't deny that you may not have enough capitalism acumen to successfully run a business.
Objective, to everyone but you, mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources
If you're about to commit business-suicide, please get help before it's too late.
An objective, according to everyone but you, mismanagement (by you) of your own financial assets and resources
If you are about to commit business-suicide, take action when others tell you to, before you drive yourself to debt
When your friend sends you a meme, but the account is private so you can't see that shit :(
You just sent a suicidal meme.... Bitch!