a large mountain that has unfortunately been put on someone's face.
that poor guy he has a james nose
Mason James is a boy who lives in Mississippi that hates his school. If you can find it then please... get rid of it.
Mason James is one of the coolest people in the world and will never not be cool!!!
1. arranging a time and then re-arranging the time several times.
a man calls james howard and agrees to meet at 8
at 8 the man calls james howard
james howard replys " 2mins "
man waits half an hour 30mins calls james
james howard replys " sorry. 10mins "
man waits 20mins calls james
james howard replys " sorry mate 5mins "
man waits 2hours calls james
no answer
this is james howarding
hey bro see ya in 20
bro replys yea bro dont james howard me
Why do I even have to say anything?
Wow, I wish I was James Bagnall
James Bagnall is just amazing
A popular drink in bars on the fringe of the gay community. To make a Captain James: one man stands on their hands, while the bartender "mixes" a Sea Breeze (2oz vodka, equal parts grapefruit juice and cranberry juice) in the others rectum. The bartender then hands a straw to the customer...
'May I have a Captain James? And remember to salt the rim'