give birth to a child.
"she was brought to bed of a daughter"
A bed hobo is a person, whom once in bed, can’t get up and refuses to do ANYTHING for themselves.
Example of a bed hobo “I have no legs, I have no legs while clicking together empty dishes Piled by the bedside and looking longingly at a partner”
Another example of a bed hobo is someone who wakes up a sleeping partner, who has legs, to get up and get them ice cream or any other snack in the night.
A bed hobo will collect garbage around one side of the bed and then pass the garbage to a partner whenever they are getting up to go for a pee in the night.
Bed hobos may be unaware or very self aware and well strategized.
Some are sneaky and will gather up bed garage (Empty ice cream containers, bowls, drinks, cheese) on your side of the bed and claims it’s yours. Saying “you need to clean up after yourself” Hehehe
I was just at thanksgiving with my husband and he called me a bed hobo
The bed version of couch potato.
Man, I didn't want to get up today! I'm such a bed squash
something or someone that you snuggle with in bed
I have this cute stuffed doggie from when I was 3 months old. He's my best buddy in bed; I love him very much.
Residual excretion in, on, or around one's mattress, which is later mistaken for crumbs of chocolate.
Willard: Bernadine shat on my dick last Thursday evening while we were sleeping.
Hobo 1: Well, that's unfortunate...
Willard : The worst part is that I thought the bed chocolate is was a piece of the candy bar that I was eating yesterday afternoon for elevenses.
Hobo 2: STANKY!
When you go out without anywhere to stay, so have to pull in order to find somewhere to stay the night.
AKA hotel back-yourself.
1: where are you staying?
2: I'm playing danger bed mate, wait and see
Noun. Another term for dick while fucking in bed.
Krissy: Let’s fuck in bed!
Mike: Ohhh so you want the old bed cylinder huh?
Krissy: Yeah stick your bed cylinder in me!