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the act of a girl giving a guy a blowjob.

usually used as wall-e's prolongued pronunciation of his name.

"Dude, I heard Jake's mom gave you a wall-e last night"
"Yeah. Waaaaallllll-eeeee"

by shabazz sweets February 26, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupy Wall Street

A gathering of part time wanna-be Martin Luther King types with the attention span of a jelly bean with adhd. Often seen regurgitating illogical quasi arguments with the goal of forming some sort of anti capitalist platform but always failing to do so; living in self policed communes during the day and often leaving at night due to inclement weather and sexual assaults; fighting for the so called 99% of the population are bitter about not being in the top 1%; blaming all the ills of society on other people and demanding impractical and outlandish ideas; being generally uneducated or having degrees in the arts, so uneducated; having few to no real responsibilities; discriminating about homeless people; and all in all serving as a cautionary tale to those who choose to substitute hard work, perseverance, ingenuity, creativity, and sacrifice for laziness.

1: Hey! I didn't see you at Occupy Wall Street on Friday! We had a really great march! Can you make it on Monday?
2: No, after work I have to take my daughters to their tutor and then their piano lesson. Then I'd like to spend some time with my wife. She's had long week and I thought it would be nice to make her dinner.
1: Oh. Ok. But before you go, can I borrow a dollar?

by Talk Cash November 7, 2011

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Occupy Wall Street

A bunch of delusional losers who WISH they represented 99% of society, in reality they represent more like 0.1%

Mike: There was like, 1,000 people at the park today maaaaan. This movement is huge! Viva la revolution! Occupy Wall Street! We are the 99%!

Jeff: Only 18,000 more and it's be the size of average NY Knicks home game!

by Bozobozo November 25, 2011

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Wall Street Warrior

Someone who couldn't quite cut it in engineering school.

Prof:" Sorry you won't make it at MIT. Why don't you go to something lesser but where people still think you're smart, like becoming a Wall Street Warrior?"

by PlastikDog October 4, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wall of Text Syndrome

A post that suffers from a massive amount of words. Can be abbreviated as WOTS.

I saw this post and it had serious wall of text syndrome

by TheGalaxyGamer May 29, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

supperball off the wall

This is a game invented by Josh & Kyle.

wut you need:

1. you need 1 superball
2. you need at least 2 players
3. you need 1 couch
4. you need a room to play in


1. no player at anytime may leave his/her knees
2. put the couch about three feet from the wall, parralel to the wall
3. throw the superball as hard as you can at the wall making sure to clear the couch
4. the object is to be the one to get the ball back, so you can throw it at the wall and domerock the other person.
5. most important rule, it is maditory to eat a butterfinger powerbar and drink a coke before starting any game of "supperball off the wall"
6. this game could get very expensive, make sure to clear the room before playing

"wanna play supperball off the wall?"

by pedro February 16, 2005

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Dirty Wall-E

Puking in a tube sock and smacking someone in the face with it

Max is sleeping so I drank a fifth of vodka...when I puke it up he's getting a nice dirty wall-E.

by mr. voldemort December 29, 2011

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