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bog booty

Bog booty is when a women's booty is so sweaty that their buttcheeks slide against each other freely. Bog booty usually occurs after skipping a shower for 3 days in a row. Bog booty is most commonly found in northern-Michigan women between ages 23-28 who spend weeknights drinking in their garage.

Nobody goes down on Marissa, because she has bog booty.

by P1PEDoWN October 28, 2022

booty blow

When you take a straw with Coke and stick the straw up the ass and snort it

Dude, that booty blow felt amazing.

by 69satan420 March 1, 2020

Booty Beauty

A girl who has an ass that wins beauty pagents, but a face that should be on radio.

You are likely to meet these kinds of girls at the courthouse, the parking lot at waffle house and Kid Rock concerts

Craig: DAAAYUM Daryl! Check out that chick, she is fine as spring wine!
Patrick: Yeah dog, she is a booty beauty for sure. Hit that if you need to but dont put a ring on it!
Craig ... word...

by TerryCowboy February 13, 2019

booty bandito

A person who loves having anal sex more than anything else

He's a booty Bandito

by Jayjizzle November 21, 2015

Thug Booty

A shitpost that consists of a slightly funny internet meme, then quickly cuts to homosexual intercourse (mostly black people) such as a black man twerking or jerking off another male

𝒦.𝐼.𝒯.𝒯.𝐸.𝒩 : heres some memes UwU

DwaneTheCOCK : the fuck, thats just thug booty, 24Ban

𝒦.𝐼.𝒯.𝒯.𝐸.𝒩 : wait nuuu OwO

by Ilovesquidwardkoochie January 30, 2022

booty queef

When a guy or girl has been taking it in the butt and they pass air

I was hittin good last night and the bitch went an had a booty queef in my face

by His QueenπŸ‘‘ September 28, 2017

booty rocket

When a human let's out a massive fart resembling the sound of a rocket lifting off.

Damnnnnnn Ari just let out an extreme booty rocket

by brandofrmorlando May 10, 2015