I am fucking losing it over here...
Hym "In case you were wondering, I'm losing my mind over here... These fucking bastards man... Can't fucking sleep... GodDamnit...m"
To mentaly categorize someone as a 'dog' whilst verbaly leading them to think of them self's as the complete opposite
Girl: "hey babe do you want to come to the servo with me"?
Boy: "nah I'll just wait here for you"
Girl: (sigh) "ok ill just go by myself then" ("thinks to self:"ok I'll just go by myself then Dog" )
Girl tells friends on way to servo: " see that look I gave him full put him on the mind dog"
Which "chews" the mind, i.e. hits it strongly for being particularly surprising, amazing, awesome.
I haven't seen anything particularly mind-chewing lately there.
Noun; An intelligent mind that can recall specific things from the past. Someone that remembers all facts from the past.
Dave's google mind remembered the formula to convert specific gravity to platos, then he listed the standard operating procedure for the centrifuge, all from memory.
I don’t mind you, as I don’t like you as a crush at the moment but I would date you, your pretty cute.
Her : Hey, what do you think of me?
Him : Well I don’t mind ya..
A ejaculation of knowledge. Causing one individual to learn an excess of knowledge in a very short time.
Hey, did you hear johnny passed the test?
Yeah thats because I helped him. I gave him my mind sperm.