A pump nigga is a nigga who pumps milk from cows. Also term for being someone's bitch.
Man he's being a pump nigga for this girl.
When you got to poop and its jumping in and out of your butthole
Man I gotta poop, it's pump jacking bad
Vomiting violently.
"Where's Ralph?"
"Oh he's in the bathroom pumping chili. He had a wild night."
"Yo, this guy's pumping some mad chili."
YASSSS lean pump clash royale
A tent at festivals where people go for a root
Do you know if there is anyone in pump tent 9? I'm keen to tongue punch fioanas fartbox
The name of the game of trying to land the gas price or gallons number exactly on .00 when filling up.
Only the gas station wins in pump roulette.
The act of jacking a guy off using your own or his own shit as lube.
She gave him a rusty pump handle last night.