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Golden Tongue

Person who's willing to literally lick his manager's ass to get some benefits, or to put someone in trouble by telling the boss, that someone is doing something wrong, just for revenge.

I've heard it beeing used in Essex, England. Haven't got a clue if someone uses it anywhere else.

I'm earning 5 quid less than you. Guess who've won the golden tongue contest this week...

by knave86 March 24, 2010

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golden bear

Jack Nichalus, some old golfer guy who plays in senior competitions and lends his name to videogames.

Golden bear 386 for Mac

by Kung-Fu Jesus June 6, 2004

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Golden One

A cup of English Breakfast tea with milk added to give a golden hue, and one spoonful of sugar added.

"Would you like a tea, coffee?"

"Thanks, I'll have a Golden One please"

by the Leachmeister April 8, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Golden Pash

a sexual act when giving oral sex to a woman and she urinates on your face, quite discusting.

similar in concept to a golden shower or a rainbow kiss, sort of.

Not to be confused with the fruit box, godlen pash which is a fruit juice drink that is quite tastey.

I was going down on this chick last night and the dirty bitch gave me a golden pash.

by 491 March 11, 2012

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Golden Bear

One who is talented at the game of football yet dumb as a box of rox in other catagories.

Yo, he's the golden bear fo shizzle man, just wish he had some real brizzains.

by Bzak October 6, 2003

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Golden Retriever

* An overly bubbly and bouncy fake blond girl with huge boobs

* An overly blond girl who is so annoying and stupid you just wanna punch her in the face

'Dude, this girl I went out with last night was such a golden retriever'

by Ivna June 24, 2005

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24k golden

Someone who has one good song and is overrated and trash

Bruh why tf is 24k golden singing on the xxl freshman freestyle

by Lazycatdog420 October 28, 2020

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