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Urban Dictionary

A great place to learn! We should all be thankful for!

Yo, Urban dictionary is amazing!
Oh dude! It is fleek!

by The amaze lover March 5, 2017

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Urban Dictionary


You: Hmm. What's urban dictionary? Better look it up...

by Birds Are Not Robots November 21, 2020

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Urban Dictionary

A website where you can find slang words and some real meanings to things. BUT urbandictionary SUCKS because when trying to post a significant meaning it will NOT let me publish it.

Ever heard of urban dictionary?
yeaah haha. its stupid and a waste.
I know right. I tried to post few things and it will not publish. IDIOTS.
Amen brother.

by fuckurbandictionaryy December 4, 2010

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urban dictionary

The coolest dictionary in the world.

"hey devon do you wanna chill and use urban dictionary?"

by kamode96 December 14, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary

Urban dictionary!

by Soulja Boy 420 Copenhagen February 17, 2015

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Urban Dictionary

A place where people can say all of the fucked up shit they want without being judged or ridiculed against.

Urban Dictionary is full of edgy teens who type about sex with completely innocent words.

by Dubiks December 2, 2018

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Urban Dictionary

"Why does every definition in the Urban Dictionary have a reference to Marijuana?" Don't they know people are tryin to learn stuff..

Everything I look up in the urban dictionary refers to pot.

by inquisitive November 28, 2007

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