To beat someone so bad it causes the change in their pocket and the cash in their wallet to fall out, the loss of all their investments and belongings, and to continue pummeling the person to total financial ruin where they owe the total world debt, approximately $190 trillion.
Barney: “Look, I got a two dollar winner”.
Andy: “I’m gonna beat you broke and send you the bill!”
To cuss someone out from amazing grace to a floatin opportunity. In church phrases typically by church queens or COGIC Granny. To be cussed out from amazing grace to a floatin opportunity. Entails a very flamboyant and androgynous church queen. While being "read" for evey insecurity one may have. While being preached vulgarity. Usually in a humourous religious tone.
I will cuss you out from amazing grace to a floatin opportunity. Talking about that boy gone be me in 20 years!
It's the best complement you could get. Basically means you look like heaven or you're perfect.
You look like a song from The Weeknd.(ex. You look like The Weeknd's song Coming down)
To be like elmo in savage way since elmo is sassy queen.
Jeffery : your imaginary friend is fake.
Sally: well, that was very Elmo of you.
The worst type of pain. If someone tells you that they hope you hit your ankle on a scooter, they most likely want you to die. You are highly recommended to stay away from people who have ever said that to you, or anyone you know.
Arvin: I hope you hit your ankle on a scooter!
Mikael: *runs away, moves to another country*
I cliche said by chicks in movies when their boyfriend goes on a villain arc
Peter: "I know what I have to do"
Jane: "you don't have to do this! I know there's still good in you!"
absolute next level way of "are you kidding me"
when you lose a game of pool with the first hit, "Are you stroking my cock?!"